
Friday, February 17, 2012

2012 Yikes! "Change"

Wow! It's been a while.... my last post was over 6 month ago. Where does the time go?

I don't know about you but every year I make "a" or "a few" new year resolutions and every year they get broken within the first week of the year. Mostly I make the same new year resolutions.... you know, eat healthy, lose weight.... yada, yada, yada!

Well anyway, even though I've been gone from blogging to "myself".... yes, "myself", because does anyone really read my blogs? Let me check..... ummm.... NOPE, don't see any followers here. Back to what I was saying, even though I haven't been blogging.... I have been reading lots of blogs and it seems in the blogging world people have chosen a special word for the new year. Just one word.... one little word that will help them keep a focus on themselves, family or whatever.

I decided to do this and the only word that kept coming to mind was .....
What a terrifying word!
It could mean so many things.... loosing someone or a job, leaving, being out of my comfort zone, becoming terminally ill or worse having a child that becomes ill. ugh!  I know,  my mind can go crazy like that, don't all Moms think that way?   Well I've prayed about the word and still the little word that wouldn't leave my mind was "CHANGE."

After thinking about it and praying about it..... the word "CHANGE" started to become a whole new word to me.


                               1. Transformation
                               2. Alter
                               3. Phase
                               4. Switch

Transformation: I signed up for Weight Watchers 5 weeks ago.... {totally stepping out of my comfort zone} I desperately want to educate myself and my family on making healthier food chooses. Not to mention lose the baby weight. "Yes my baby is going to be 9 years old in May."  Guess you got to start somewhere. Weight Watchers has been fantastic for me..... 5 weeks and down 11 lbs.  It's a slow transformation BUT one quote that keeps me going is, "Quick results lead to temporary results." I certainly don't want temporary. 

Alter: I'm altering myself as well as my schedule, trying to find more time to exercises {I really hate the word exercises, how about mentally unwind or mentally organizing myself.  Something I think every Mother should do... even if its standing in the hot shower for 10 min. crying your eyes out...haha!  ummm.... I don't think I'm the only Mom that has done this?}   I'll be the first to admit it: I'm not the most organized person and need to work on some "at home" time management.  At work, I kick butt at time management. Soooo, I'm working on delegating some chores.... so far we ARE NOT making huge leaps. Baby steps are better than nothing. We are all a work in progress here.

Phase: I'll be entering a few new phases in my life this year. One being next month, in March I will be welcoming my 40th birthday. The other I will have a son entering high school in August....... still mentally preparing myself for this one. 

Switch: We have been on a quest to change churches, not that we don't LOVE our little country church here in little ole Prairieville, where most of the members are 20 years plus older than Robby and I. I love elderly people, I love their wisdom and grace. Honestly, their is no intimation whats so ever. It is truly a sweet church. The negative and it is an important negative.... Our sweet little country church doesn't really have an inspiring youth group. The kids are getting nothing out of it and all the yelling & rushing in the morning to get them moving to get dressed, eat breakfast & brush their teeth.....ugh! Seems like a waste..... they are miserable and it makes me feel miserable and that is just not what Sundays should be about. We stepped out of comfort zone once again an attended Healing Place Church on a Wednesday night. One, Max enjoys going to the teen youth group, Epic and they have Sore a class for boys & girls 3rd - 5th grade for Lucy. They both have many classmates that attend and they both are pumped to go. Most importantly I believe that they are absorbing the message. I LOVE THAT!!! Now for Rob & I ..... we are defiantly stepping out. I don't really get into the whole raising your hands in the air and sing to the "Christian Rock" songs for ugh! 30 min. I love the traditional hems, they don't seem so depressing.... just my opinion. The pastor(s) is amazing and the message defiantly seems to feed the soul. It's about our children, if it was up to Rob and I we would be sitting in our little country church totally content. 

“change”; preparing for what is ahead and discovering it.

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