Let Freedom Ring!

Don't you just LOVE this poster?
Original Source of photo UnknownFound on Pinterest and
Boat Parade
I Loved this little boat... New York/The Big Apple and The Statue of Liberty. Too Cute!
"Time to get out of the water and enjoy the fireworks on dry land ladies!"
If you look closely{above} you can see Lucy & my Niece, Emma still in the water.
Chillin on the beach and watching the spectacular firework show.
The girls had fun dancing with the newly added strobe lights and fog machine.
hahaha! Emma has the best moves!
Celebrating our Independence with
Sweets! Sweets! and ....More Sweets!
The dessert madness didn't stop there people!
It was a must to try the
Inside Out S'mores
mentioned in my last post.
Delicious as always
Very messy to eat!
I love the idea of stuffing the marsh-mellow with chocolate chips, but....
Next time I will traditionally smash the
marsh-mellow with melted chips between two graham crackers.
In hopes to lessen the messy fingers.
Sandcastle Contest!
Emma's big cupcake idea turned into a precious sea turtle.
Lucy & I thought it would be cool to build
a large Fleur-de-Lis
{not so easy}
The girls worked really hard and the Mama's dripped with sweat, helping tote water and sand. Trying to keep our sanity without any coffee due to a major power outage that morning.
2011 Lake Rosemound 4th of July
Sandcastle Champs!
The hard work paid off!
Another blue ribbon!
I think this makes 5 years in a row?
The Allen's are now off to "The Wood" for more Family, Food and Freedom Fun!
My Nephew Eddie
Happy First Independence Day!
What a proud Uncle!
Welcome to "Robs Barber Shop"
My Niece Lily!
The men grilled some stakes that Nindy picked up from Cutrer's Slaughter House.
Nindy made her famous potato salad.
{Every time I eat her potato salad, I miss the old cafe St. George}
More Sweets!
The Blueberry & Strawberry trifle that
Kelly made was to die for!
Huge Hit! :p Yummy!
(The picture above isn't Kelly's trifle all thou hers looked just a beautiful!)
Oh! I almost forgot to mention... Kelly used fresh picked blueberries off of Mr. Andy's bush.
{Explains the heavenly goodness}
It was a wonderful 4th of July weekend.
I am blessed!
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